A Very Special Date – Earth Day, April 22

This April 22nd, people all over the world with be celebrating Earth Day. This celebration first began in 1970 as way to help create more awareness about the effects of what we do and how we live on the planet we call home – our shared “Mother,” the Earth.

And from a certain perspective, it makes perfect sense to think of the Earth that way – as our mother. Our bodies come from the Earth, our bodies are sustained by what the Earth creates, and no matter who we are, we all rely on the Earth to provide a home for us. It is so important that we realize and remember that, then do what we can to ensure that we honor, protect, and care for this Earth we all share.

As Qigong practitioners, healers, and teachers, we know how important the Earth’s health is. When we do Qigong, we always say the password, “I am in the universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and I combine together.” If you think about that, it means that when the Earth goes through changes (big or small), then so do we. In a very real sense… we are all one.

As Master Lin says, “You are a universe, large and small. The life inside and outside of you is one. What is happening all around you on a larger scale is also happening inside of you, on a smaller scale.” This is so true.

The interconnectedness between our inner world and the external environment is profound. When the energy of our Mother Earth becomes imbalanced, it reverberates through all living beings, including us humans. Conversely, our individual energy, the state of our inner world, also influences the energy of the outer world.

Consider this: when we cultivate balance and abundance of positive energy within ourselves, we contribute to the harmonization of the Earth’s energy and everything it encompasses. Through practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and Qigong, we can attune ourselves to the natural rhythms of the Earth and amplify the flow of positive energy.

By tending to our own well-being and fostering inner harmony, we become catalysts for collective healing and transformation. As we radiate positivity and balance, we ripple this energy outward, nurturing the Earth and all its inhabitants.

Let us embrace our role as stewards of both our inner and outer worlds, recognizing the profound impact of our individual energy on the greater interconnected web of life. Together, let us cultivate a world brimming with balance, harmony, and vitality.

So, you can see how intimately connected the Earth’s health and our own health are. How can we help keep our planet healthy and happy, then?

To be healthy and happy, our Earth needs clean, vibrant oceans, rivers, and lakes. It needs healthy mountains, valleys, plains, and deserts. We know you know and can think of many projects and group efforts in your own community that you can take part in to help – clean-up, planting, and even sharing information. Those are all wonderful things for you to do.

But since we teach about Qigong, energy, and healing, we want to give you a few ideas you may not have thought of.

One- Healing our World Meditation Led by Master Chunyi Lin

On April 22nd, set aside moments throughout the day to engage in a loving-kindness meditation focused on the Earth. Find a quiet space, close your eyes, and relax your body. Visualize vibrant green healing light emanating from your heart and enveloping the entire planet. See this light spreading across oceans, continents, and all living beings, bringing healing and renewal. Express gratitude to our shared “Mother” Earth for her boundless love and sustenance. Your intentional sending of love and healing energy can have a profound impact on the collective consciousness and the well-being of our planet.

If you’re looking for a powerful meditation led by Master Chunyi Lin to help guide you, we highly recommend the ‘Healing our World’ Meditation 

Two- 100 Days of Qigong Challenge

If you are not already doing Spring Forest Qigong every day (or if maybe you stopped practicing every day), then make yourself a promise to take the “100 Days of Qigong Challenge.”

This challenge involves committing to practicing Qigong every day for 100 days. By dedicating yourself to this daily practice, you not only enhance your own well-being but also contribute to the overall balance and harmony of the planet. Engaging in Qigong cultivates a deeper connection with the Earth’s energy and promotes healing on both personal and planetary levels.

By incorporating these practices into our Earth Day observance, we align ourselves with the healing energies of the Earth and contribute to the collective consciousness of love and gratitude. Together, let’s nurture a more harmonious relationship with our planet and each other.

You can download the 100 Days Practice Chart Below:

Download 100 Days of Qigong Chart

As we said before, the Earth’s energy affects yours, but your energy also affects the Earth’s. If you can make Qigong a daily practice, not only will that bring you so many healing benefits, but the beautiful positive energy that you cultivate for your own healing will overflow and bring the same benefits to everyone and everything around you. What a lovely gesture of gratitude to the world!

We recommend incorporating the Five Element Qigong Healing Movements into your daily practice, as they offer a holistic approach to balancing and harmonizing the body’s energy.

Three- 7 Day Blessing Healing Retreat

Furthermore, consider marking April 22nd as the beginning of your own personal 7-Day Blessings Healing Retreat. Inspired by Master Lin and his Tibetan Monk friends, who dedicated seven days to chanting and sending blessings and healing energy into the water, you can embark on a similar journey of healing and transformation. Set aside time each day for meditation, reflection, and sending blessings to the Earth and all living beings. Let your intentions be guided by love and compassion, knowing that your efforts contribute to the collective well-being of our planet.

By aligning our actions with the principles of love, gratitude, and healing, we can create a more harmonious and compassionate world for ourselves and future generations. Let us embark on this journey of self-discovery and collective healing together.

Well, if you didn’t get those recordings, we still have them on our website:

7 Day Blessing for the Year 2024

Revisiting the recordings of Master Lin and the monks’ healing and blessing energy can be incredibly beneficial, especially in times of uncertainty and turmoil. The intention behind these recordings to bless and heal the world for the year 2024 carries powerful energy that can provide solace, comfort, and healing to individuals and communities alike.

Setting aside a week several times throughout the year to engage in your own 7-Day Blessing Healing Retreat, playing the morning and evening meditations consistently for seven days, can be a profound act of self-care and global healing. In light of recent events and the challenges faced worldwide, dedicating time to immerse yourself in these healing vibrations can bring a sense of peace, balance, and resilience.

By participating in this retreat, you not only nourish your own well-being but also contribute to the collective healing of humanity and the planet. The transformative power of collective intention and prayer is profound, and by coming together in spirit, we can create positive shifts and bring about healing on a global scale.

In times of uncertainty, cultivating inner peace and radiating healing energy becomes even more essential. Let us embrace the opportunity to reconnect with the healing vibrations of Master Lin and the monks’ blessings, and let us continue to spread love, compassion, and healing to all beings.

And those are just a few ideas! If you do something creative with Qigong or healing for Earth Day this year, we would love to hear from you! You can feel free to write us at support@springforestqigong.com and let us know how you helped.

Happy Earth Day, and our love and blessings to all beings!

To learn more about Earth Day and other things you can do to help, you can visit the official Earth Day website at www.earthday.org


“Encoded” in these recordings are the high-level Qi and blessing intentions of Master Chunyi Lin… of pure-hearted Tibetan monks… and thousands of Spring Forest Qigong Love Radiators, all sharing their unconditional love to bless the world for 2024. 

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Healing Our World Guided Meditation

Activate Your Unconditional Love for the World

Sharing our love and healing energy with the world at this critical time. Let’s join together in focusing on the beauty of this perfect, healing love and the joy of sharing it with every child, every woman, every man, in every corner of our world.

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