May is thought of as the heart of spring, coming as it does halfway between the start of spring in late March and the start of summer in late June. It is the heart of spring on the standard calendar.
On the Chinese lunar calendar, we see May as the heart of spring for a different reason. Summer energy starts coming on strongly in May and summer energy is the time of heart energy.
Following the lunar calendar, May 5th is the official start of summer. That is a special date because there will be lots of excitement going on in the atmosphere at that time and the energy is going to have a major shift.
From this day, the sun will start getting stronger. The temperature will rise very rapidly, all the plants will grow very fast, and all of nature will come out for a universal dance.
The body is part of nature, so following the flow of nature is the core of the Chinese Five Elements philosophy.
The Yang energy is getting stronger and stronger this time of year and the energy in the body tends to go out more.
To help keep yourself in harmony with that flow, we recommend the following…
Start going to bed a little bit later and get up earlier so the Yang energy has time to release. Sleep may not be deep because the Yang energy is so active and wants to go out all the time.
Deep Breathing
Deep breaths are very good. As often as you can, take long, gentle, deep breaths and keep a smile on your face. This helps to calm the anxiety.
Exercise more and drink plenty of fluids
However, try to avoid drinking anything very cold because that interrupts the movements of Yang energy. It is especially important not to drink anything cold after you exercise and work up a good sweat. If you drink something cold right away that energy gets trapped and interrupted which is not good for the internal organs,
Avoid being in wet clothes, especially after exercising
Take a shower, dry off and change clothes as soon as possible after you exercise. Do not lie down in wet clothes or in a wet or damp area because this time of year and throughout the summer the Yang energy always tries to release from the skin.
While exercising is very important, you should avoid doing very active physical exercise before going to bed. Wait at least four hours after exercising before going to bed.
Keep and Eye on Blood Pressure
Starting May 5th, the heart energy is starting to take charge so keep an eye on your blood pressure. This is very important when the temperature is rising outside and getting warmer and warmer.
It is also important to try to avoid anger or emotions of that nature as they can raise your blood pressure and are not good for the heart. Anytime you feel anger on its way, take long, slow, gentle, deep breaths. Breathing slowly, gently, and deeply is always beneficial, but it is even more important at this time of year and throughout the summer.
Do More Sitting Meditations vs Active Exercises
Doing Spring Forest Qigong active exercises are always good for you, but this time of year it is better to start doing more sitting meditation than other times of the year.
Sitting meditation helps to calm down the heart better. Following these guidelines will be very beneficial for your heart and all your body’s energy: preparing you for the fire energy and heat of summer which will be getting stronger and stronger.