The Benefits of Fiber: How it Helps With Digestion



High fiber diets have numerous reported health benefits. It is a widely recommended healthy diet. Here are some health benefits high fiber diets have been associated with1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8:


  • reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
  • reduced risk of certain forms of cancer
  • reduced risk of obesity/enhanced weight control
  • reduced risk of stroke
  • reduced risk of cardiovascular, coronary heart, and respiratory disease
  • lower serum cholesterol concentrations
  • reduced blood pressure
  • improved gastrointestinal function


Scientific research shows high-fiber foods enable butyrate-producing bacteria to thrive1. Butyrate is a short chain fatty acid which is most commonly produced via fermenting fiber by bacteria in the colon9. Cells in the colon use butyrate as their primary source of energy10.


Butyrates have been shown to:


  • Help neurons grow and survive11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24. Neurons transmit information throughout the body and tell muscles, joints, and organs what to do
  • Resist oxidative stress, which will help the body detoxify harmful chemicals21,23,25 ,26
  • Increase expression of learning-associated genes27,28, which can help improve memory function



A specific type of fiber is inulin. Inulin is a prebiotic fiber that helps nourish beneficial bacteria in your gut. Inulin helps reduce blood glucose and oxidative stress29,30. Inulin helps reduce body weight and improves glycemic control and antioxidant levels in type 2 diabetes patients31. Inulin can also increase colonic short-chain fatty acid production, which may reduce type 2 diabetes risk32.


These are some of the scientifically proven benefits of fiber. Two large prospective cohort studies (with a combined 1.5 million participants) found higher fiber diets were linked to a lower risk of death8,33,34.



Fiber can be found in beans, whole grains, brown rice, nuts, berries, and many other sources. To easily get 2500 mg of fiber, including inulin, and 25 servings of fruit and vegetables daily




1. Bourassa, M. W., Alim, I. R., Ratan, R. J., & Bultman, S. (2015). Butyrate, neuroepigenetics and the gut microbiome: Can a high fiber diet improve brain health? Neuroscience Letters, 2016, Vol. 625, 56-63.
2. Anderson, James W., Smith, Belinda M., & Gustafson, Nancy J. (1994). Health benefits and practical aspects of high-fiber diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 59(5), 1242S.
3. De Koning, L., & Hu, F. (2011). Do the health benefits of dietary fiber extend beyond cardiovascular disease? Archives of Internal Medicine, 171(12), 1069-70.
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14. A.L. Mahan, L. Mou, N. Shah, J.-H. Hu, P.F. Worley, K.J. Ressler. Epigenetic modulation of Homer1a transcription regulation in amygdala and hippocampus with pavlovian fear conditioning. J. Neurosci., 32 (2012), pp. 4651–4659.
15. Y. Wei, P.A. Melas, G. Wegener, A.A. Mathé, C. Lavebratt. Antidepressant-like effect of sodium butyrate is associated with an increase in TET1 and in 5-hydroxymethylation levels in the Bdnf gene. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 18 (2015), pp. 1–10.
16. R.B. Varela, S.S. Valvassori, J. Lopes-Borges, E. Mariot, G.C. Dal-Pont, R.T. Amboni, et al. Sodium butyrate and mood stabilizers block ouabain-induced hyperlocomotion and increase BDNF, NGF and GDNF levels in brain of Wistar rats. J. Psychiatry Res., 61 (2015), pp. 114–121.
17. S.S. Valvassori, R.B. Varela, C.O. Arent, G.C. Dal-Pont, T.S. Bobsin, J. Budni, et al. Sodium butyrate functions as an antidepressant and improves cognition with enhanced neurotrophic expression in models of maternal deprivation and chronic mild stress. Curr. Neurovasc. Res., 11 (2014), pp. 359–366.
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19. R.J. Ferrante, J.K. Kubilus, J. Lee, H. Ryu, A. Beesen, B. Zucker, et al. Histone deacetylase inhibition by sodium butyrate chemotherapy ameliorates the neurodegenerative phenotype in huntington’s disease mice. J. Neurosci., 23 (2003), pp. 9418–9427.
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31.Pourghassem Gargari, B., Dehghan, P., Aliasgharzadeh, A., & Asghari Jafar-abadi, M. (2013). Effects of High Performance Inulin Supplementation on Glycemic Control and Antioxidant Status in Women with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes & Metabolism Journal, 37(2), 140-148.
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Journal Of Epidemiology, 181(2), 83-91.

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