Master Lin’s Oyster Mushroom Stir Fry
Good for your kidneys, your pancreas, and for moving of energy. When we come to this transition to winter season it’s important to pay more attention to kidney energy and this dish is great for kidney energy.
Serves 4 people

• 2 Oyster Mushrooms
• 1 Cup Wood Ear Mushrooms, soak in cold water for 2 hours, then cut into ½ inch size pieces
• 8 spears of asparagus
• 2 medium sized tomatoes
• 1 yellow pepper
• 2 medium sized potatoes (red is better)
• A few pieces of garlic, chopped
• 2 TBS of ginger root
• 1 TBS of coconut oil
• 2 TBS of olive oil
• 1 TBS soy sauce
• ½ TBS cornstarch
• Sea Salt to taste
- Cut Oyster mushrooms – slice into fine pieces
- Cut each spear of asparagus into 3 pieces
- Cut each tomato into 8 pieces
- Wash and core yellow pepper and slice into pieces about size of the asparagus.
- Potatoes – don’t peel, just wash clean and cut into same size pieces as asparagus.
- Mix cornstarch with a little water
- Heat pan add coconut oil.
- Add garlic and ginger root, stir fry for about 30 seconds.
- Then, add all the vegetables.
- Add cornstarch mix.
- Add ½ cup of water.
- Cover and cook for about 3 minutes.
- Add olive oil and sea salt to taste.
- Remove from heat and add 1 TBS of soy sauce to taste.
*People who like chicken can add chicken breast. Slice chicken breast into pieces.
Mix corn starch with a little water as you did before and add to sliced chicken.
- Remove vegetables from pan and clean the pan.
- Place clean pan on heat and add coconut oil.
- Add garlic and ginger root same as you did before, then stir fry garlic and ginger root for 30 seconds.
- Then add the chicken and stir fry for 3 to 5 minutes, time depends on how hot the pan is.
- Then add soy sauce if you want
- Then add sea salt to taste
- Put a teaspoon of sesame oil into pan and mix together, turn the heat off and put chicken on top of vegetables.
- Garnish with green onion or cilantro
Very good for the season, for moving the energy, for earth energy, and for your pancreas and kidneys. This dish already has five colors of foods and is very balanced food energy.