Balance Fire Energy

Water is the key to all life on our planet. Without water, life on earth simply wouldn’t be possible. Our bodies are more than seventy percent water and water is crucial to nearly all our bodily functions.
It is vitally important to stay well hydrated. In winter, Master Lin recommends drinking a minimum of three glasses of water each day, in addition to other fluids you might consume.
If you find you are getting angry, especially if you are quick to anger during the wintertime you should definitely drink more water. It means that your yin energy is not strong enough. Anger is fire energy. Use the water to balance that fire.
You can drink as much water as you need or enjoy throughout the day but have 3 full glasses at these times.
Hours of Energy Channel Operations
In the morning between 7 to 9 o’clock, a glass of water is very good for the stomach and the intestines. The digestive system and stomach channels are on duty and the water helps the stomach energy channels.
At 5 o’clock the kidney energy channel is on duty. Kidney energy, like water, is Yin energy so water at this time helps you to strengthen your vitality.
At 9:00 pm the yang energy in the heart is very strong. This is fire energy and water quenches fire so when you drink a glass of water it helps to calm down that energy to strengthen the kidney energy and help calm down the emotions so your energy is ready to go to bed.
In the winter if you can treat your feet with water this will be great.

Self Care

Fill a tub or bowl that is big enough to fit your feet in with very warm water, not so hot it will burn you but very warm. Prepare a second tub or bowl with room temperature water but not cold.
Soak your feet in the warm water first for about 5 minutes.
Then put your feet in the room temperature water for about 3 minutes.
And then put your feet in the warm water for an additional 5 minutes.
Repeat this process at least 2 or 3 times, always ending with the warm water.
Soaking your feet in this way will really help to strengthen the kidney energy and can trigger the nerve system moving the energy up throughout your body.
From the Qi perspective it can help drive the energy to move up from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head even better.
End with warm no matter what. Do it once a week. Doing this every day is even better especially for people who have heart or diabetes issues or who have had a stroke.
Charging Water
Something you can always do to make the water you drink or soak your feet or use in cooking or whatever even more beneficial to you is to charge it with a beautiful, loving message.
There are many ways to do this. You can use your Sword Fingers, the palms of your hands or do it directly from your heart.
Simply close your eyes, put a SMILE on your face to start your internal love engine and visualize a brilliant, golden sun shining in the middle of the universe.
See a ray of golden light shooting like an arrow from this sun directly into your heart.
Now direct that heart energy, that unconditional love from your heart through your hands or heart directly into the water and charge it with a beautiful message. The message can be to make the water healing water, to remove pain. It can be a message of perfect health or perfect peace or whatever message you choose.
Finally, you know in your heart that your powerful energy message now fills every atom of the water to benefit you or anyone else who utilizes it.