Welcome Prosperity in the Lunar New Year 2025
A Special Message from Master Lin
As we enter this new year, Master Lin has recorded a special video message to help you transition into the new year with ease, balance, and prosperity. In this video, he shares powerful insights and simple rituals that can support you as you welcome the energetic flow of spring. It’s the perfect time to implement these practices and set yourself up for a year of growth, health, and happiness.
May this season of spring bring you renewal, balance, and abundant health!
Nourishing Liver Energy and Embracing Spring:
Tips for a Healthier You
February 4th is a very special day in the Chinese lunar calendar—it marks the beginning of spring energy, a time of renewal and growth. From this day forward, the energy of spring starts building more and more each day. As February arrives, we enter a powerful energetic transition from the stillness of winter to the vibrancy of spring, making it the perfect time to support your liver and nourish your body.
The Liver and Spring Energy
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is associated with the wood element, and its energy is closely linked to the energy of spring. Spring is all about expansion, growth, and blossoming—just like the plants that bloom during this season. The liver, in its energetic form, represents your blossoming potential. It’s a time to nurture yourself, make new beginnings, and activate your energy to support growth in all areas of your life.
Nourish Your Liver’s Energy
To support your liver during this season of growth, here are some simple practices you can incorporate into your daily routine:
1. Exercise for Liver Energy
Now is the time to increase your physical activity. Gentle exercise can support both your appetite and digestion. Doing some stretches before meals helps to release blood from the liver to your muscles and tendons, promoting energy flow and enhancing circulation. This practice helps you feel lighter, more energized, and more in tune with the blossoming energy of spring.
2. Embrace Creativity
Another great way to nourish liver energy is through creative expression. Creativity embodies the wood energy of spring and helps to channel the expansive, nurturing qualities of the season. Whether it’s cooking new recipes, dancing, singing, or journaling about your life and goals, creative activities activate your liver energy in a healthy, fulfilling way.
3. Eat Nourishing Foods to Activate your Liver’s Qi
Incorporating specific foods into your diet can help strengthen your liver’s energy. Focus on green, leafy vegetables like kale, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, spinach, and dandelion greens—these foods are rich in chlorophyll and help detoxify the liver. You can also add seaweed like kelp, chlorella, and spirulina to boost your liver health.
Beans like Adzuki and kidney beans are great for building blood, while bean sprouts are particularly beneficial during this time. For the cold weather, you can add greens at the end of cooking hot soups to wilt them, keeping your body warm while nourishing your liver.
4. Avoid Depleting Foods
Be mindful of the foods you avoid during this time. Deep-fried foods, roasted nuts (especially stale ones), and anything overly sweet or sour can deplete liver energy. In fact, for the whole month, it’s best to avoid sweet and sour foods as they can further weaken liver energy
5. Add Fresh Greens as Weather Warms
As the weather warms, increase the amount of fresh greens in your diet to further detoxify your liver. You can even begin incorporating the ‘sour’ taste into your meals with foods like lemon, sorrel, and other sour greens. This helps activate your liver’s detoxing functions and supports your body’s natural energy flow.
Boosting Bone Health with Kidney Energy
One of the key aspects of maintaining health in the spring is ensuring your bones stay strong. Both Eastern and Western cultures agree that when you increase blood circulation and oxygen, your bones grow stronger. Kidney energy plays a vital role in bone density, and studies show that stronger kidney energy correlates with healthier bones.