Does ‘Distance Healing’ Really Work?
How Remote Meditation Healing Works?
Here is what you can expect from this Remote Healing Process:

Some questions we hear time and time again.
Yes, distance Qigong healing works. In fact – this may surprise you – it can actually be more powerful than in-person Qigong healing!
Maybe it won’t surprise you if you’ve already experienced it for yourself, or if you’re one of our advanced Qigong students.
If you are surprised and if you are wondering if this kind of healing really works, just consider this.
There are many, many forms of Qigong. Thousands, even. Some are more simple, some are more complex; some focus more on one thing, some more on other things. Spring Forest Qigong is a very simple but very powerful, very advanced form of Qigong. Its focus is healing.
How does it work?
Simple. Everything in the universe is energy in one form or another. Air and light, trees and rocks, animals and humans. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed – in fact, that’s what it’s already doing all the time.
Qigong says, everyone’s body has a network of energy channels running through it. When the channels are open and lots of energy is flowing freely through them, the body works wonderfully: you are healthy, happy, and peaceful. When the channels get blocked (say, through stress and emotions, poor nutrition, injuries, and so on), energy cannot flow freely and begins to become imbalanced – too much here, too little there. In time, this shows up in the body, as what we call “sickness” or “disease.”
What all of the Spring Forest Qigong movements, meditations, and techniques you practice come down to is… opening channels and balancing energy. This helps the energy to transform in ways that help your healing. That’s it!
It’s very simple, and most people who try this Qigong see positive results very quickly. Although sometimes people have a hard time at first grasping (or believing) the idea of “energy” and how it relates to their health and healing, usually it’s easy for them to make the connection between something they do with (and within) their own body and mind and the positive results they see.
Like, “Hm. You know, I’m still not sure I’m feeling any ‘energy,’ but I have to say, I’ve been sitting to do the Small Universe meditation every day for three weeks now, and for some reason, I don’t seem to be so anxious anymore.”
That’s just one example.
But it can be a bigger “leap” to grasp (or believe) that someone, say, three thousand miles away who you never met can find and feel the energy blockages in your body, clear them, send you powerful energy, and help you to balance your own energy and heal faster… but they can! Our healers do it every day.
And, as we said before – doing healing that way (rather than in person) can be even more powerful.
This is deep stuff, and it’s a gigantic subject, but just consider this.
Just like everything in the universe is a form of energy, everything in the universe is connected – like one big body. And just like one cell in your body has all the genetic information for everything else in your body, anything and everything in the universe has all the information of the entire universe within it.
So – can you see what that means?
In you, you have the information about everything in the universe – including what is going on in the body of the person you want to help heal!
Even in the most basic Qigong we teach – Level One for Health or the Five Element Qigong Healing Movements, – you learn to merge yourself with the universe to heal, and you learn to notice energy moving in your body. Later, in Level Three, you build on that by merging more deeply with the universe in order to find out how the energy is moving in someone else’s body, no matter where they are.
Distance is never a factor with Spring Forest Qigong healing.
And why can distance Qigong healing be more powerful?
It cuts through the “noise” or the “static.”
Qigong healing is what we call signal healing or message healing.
The body in need of healing is giving off signals. The healer sending energy is directing healing messages. Whether detecting the signals in someone else or sending healing messages, the healer works best when he or she is focused and quiet inside. When receiving healing energy, it is best to be deeply relaxed and still. In either case, it is much easier to “tune in” without all the extra signals and information that come with sitting face-to-face with someone. You can go right to the heart of things.
This may still sound kind of… obscure.
Maybe you’re still not convinced.
Watch this Short Video and have Master Lin Explain how it works
Distance Healing and How It Works
Does Distance Healing Really Work?
Yes! Meditation Healings is done remotely, without physical or verbal contact and is just as (if not even more) effective as in-person Qigong Healing. Master Lin and his students have used this unique kind of distance-healing to help thousands of people all around the world.
Let Master Lin himself tell you how this healing works!
#1 Do you have an account with SFQ? If so, go into your account on our website and look up a Qi~Talk from September 2019. (It’s under your “Library.”) If not, Click Here or the image to the left to Sign Up, it’s FREE!
But in that Qi~talk, Master Lin talks about just this subject! In fact, he guides you through how to detect energy blockages in someone from a distance. There were people in the audience for that talk who never did any Qigong before who were still able to correctly identify energy blockages that way!
Just watch it and try it – you’ll see for yourself. Then think, if you can do that, imagine what an experienced healer can do!
#2 Set up a Healing and Consultation with Master Jaci or Rong. If you need healing help and want to experience distance healing energy first-hand, you can hardly find a better way. They have helped countless people this way, and will even give you a healing plan to follow afterwards. So… don’t sit there wondering, and don’t just take our word for it – find out for yourself if distance healing really works! Contact us at