How Qigong Works

How Spring Forest Qigong Works


Everything in the Universe is Energy

Since literally everything is energy, that means you are an energy being. Every cell in your body is a form of energy. Your thoughts are also a form of energy. Sickness, whether it manifests physically, mentally, or emotionally, is also a form of energy.



Energy Can’t Be Created Nor Destroyed, But It Can Be Transformed

The only question with your body’s energy is whether it is transforming for better or for worse. Simply put, Spring Forest Qigong healing is accomplished by manipulating and transforming the energy that is the root cause of sickness. Spring Forest Qigong practice can help you transform your body’s energy for the better and even undo the worse.

Qi Flowing Smoothly and in Perfect Balance

The energy flows through the many energy channels or meridians in the body. As an energy being, your body was designed to have its energy always flowing smoothly and in perfect balance.


If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong.
~Dr. Mehmet Oz


What is Energy Blockages?

You can think of your body’s energy system like water flowing in a river. When the water is flowing smoothly in the river, everything is fine, everything is in balance. When something happens causing a blockage in the river, that’s when problems start. Upstream the water overflows the river’s banks and there is flooding, while downstream the river dries up and there is drought. Remove the blockage, and everything returns to its natural balance.


More specifically, disease or dis-ease is caused by energy blockages in the body. Usually this means too much or too little energy in one place. Either way, your energy is out of balance, creating an energy blockage. Energy blockages are caused by many things but most commonly by emotions or by stress. Energy blockages cause your body’s natural healing system to breakdown and malfunction.


We in the field of nutrition and medicine have much to learn from healing masters like Chunyi Lin.
~Henry C. Emmons, M.D., Northfield, Minnesota


There is no such thing as “good” energy or “bad” energy. Energy is energy. Problems result only because there is too much or too little energy in one place.


Remove the blockage or blockages and restore energy balance, and the disease, sickness, or other problem goes away–not just the symptoms, but the root cause of the problem is removed. That is part of what is so beautiful and powerful about Spring Forest Qigong, It gets at the root cause of the problem, not just the symptoms.


How Spring Forest Qigong Remove Energy Blockages in the Body?

Spring Forest Qigong practice can help you remove the energy blockages in your body, restore your natural balance, and keep your energy flowing smoothly, enabling you to live the healthiest, happiest, most productive and rewarding life possible.



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