Shop - Qigong Meditation - Guided Distance Healing Meditation for Animals


Download Guided Meditation by Master Jaci Gran

Animals love meditation healing energy! You can practice this healing meditation with your pets. Or, simply play the music in the background for your animals. They can hear the energy vibration from the meditation.

Guided Distance Healing Meditation for Animals


Use ancient Qigong meditations to help animals heal, whether they are near or far. (These meditations will also help you). Qigong healing meditation works by taking you to a state of higher consciousness where the power of our minds and hearts are at their strongest; in this state, with kind intentions, you can transform energy. Let Master Jaci guide you to higher vibration to transform illness.


Animals love meditation healing energy! You can practice this healing meditation with your pets. Or, simply play the music in the background for your animals. They can hear the energy vibration from the meditation.


We recommend practicing this meditation daily to increase your healing power.


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