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Spring Forest Qigong for Healing
Self-Learning Course and Guided Practice with Master Chunyi Lin
This course is all about building and strengthening your own energy and learning the many ways you can use Qigong to help heal yourself and help others heal. Using SFQ techniques to help open energy blockages so the energy of your body or a friend’s or family member’s body so healing comes quickly.
Helping Others to Heal
You Were Born A Healer, Learn the Techniques to Help Yourself and Others Heal. Learn the Ancient Qigong Movements to Quickly Cultivate Your Own Healing Energy.
While going deeper into Qigong for more complete healing, Level 2 Qigong for Healing introduces the concepts and special healing techniques for becoming a healer.
Often referred to as medical Qigong or external Qigong, the focuses of Level 2 Qigong for Healing are 1) Cultivating One’s Own Energy; 2) Techniques to Help Others to Heal.
Here are just a few of the many problems that have been helped through the Spring Forest Qigong for Healing System.
General pain: neck, shoulder, lower back, knee, arthritis, joints. Migraine headaches, sinus problems, allergies. Weight control, high cholesterol, and digestion problems. Hearing or sight problems. Female or male organ problems. Kidney or liver dysfunction. Strokes. Diabetes and high blood sugar. Gall or kidney stones. Heart disease, high blood pressure, and circulation problems. Depression. Cancers. Lung problems. Autoimmune dysfunction such as AIDS and lupus. Mental disorders: anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, addictions, obsessive-compulsive disorder, hyperactivity, dyslexia.
Cultivate Your Internal Energy
More than 300,000 people just like you have learned to apply this amazing and easy-to-learn healing system called “Spring Forest Qigong.” You can do it too!
Advanced Qigong Movements and Meditations are introduced to continue building your Qigong skills and cultivate your own internal healing power. Healing techniques such as detecting energy blockages, Sword Fingers, and the virtual compass are taught in this level.
If you or someone you know suffers from pain, disease, fatigue, stress, or the effects of aging; Spring Forest Qigong can help. In SFQ Level 1 Qigong for Health, you were taught the basics to heal yourself, but what if you could help your family and friends as well?