Shop - Product Promo - Six-Word Chant โ€“ Digital


Tibetan Style โ€“ chanted by Master Chunyi Lin

An ancient Buddhist healing chant.For Healing, Wisdom, Purity, and Enlightenment.

However, you choose to listen and chant, the power behind the vibrations and the words can bring deep healing to you and your loved ones. 

Ancient Tibetan Style Blessings Chant

Sync with the Qi of the Universe for Healing, Wisdom, Purity & Enlightenment


Condition the Energy of your Home

 Align your Mind with Positive & Healing Thoughts

 Reach Higher Levels of Enlightenment

  Awaken the Energetic Information to Restore Balance to Body & Mind

 Align yourself with the Flow of Life- Force Energy (Qi)

 Experience an Awakening of our Inner Heart

 Third- Eye Opening for a Stronger Intuition


Deep Stillness


Sync with the Qi of the Universe for Healing, Wisdom, Purity, and Enlightenment


How do I use this Meditation?

Simply Relax and Listen or Chant along!

Remember to breathe while chanting! Pull the sound from your navel or diaphragm

Play this chanting meditation in your home to condition the energy of your living space.


However, you choose to listen and chant, the power behind the vibrations and the words can bring deep healing to you and your loved ones.

The six words; Ong, Ma, Lee, Bae, Mae, and Hong, come together in combination to help balance the energy throughout the body and help connect you to the healing energy of the Universe!

How do I use this Meditation?

Simply Relax and Listen or Chant along!

Remember to breathe while chanting! Pull the sound from your navel or diaphragm

Play this chanting meditation in your home to condition the energy of your living space.


How does โ€œChantingโ€ work?

Chanting focuses on deep healing, and functions as the gateway to temperance and harmony

Using the power of sound in meditation to bring about healing has been used since the beginning of time. Sound is filled with vibrations of pure energy and each vibration has its own frequency.

The vibration of sound works to clear out any thought, person, place, or thing that is standing In between you and a healthy, enlightened living.

When the brain focuses on a chant it does not have any room to allow unconscious thoughts or negative self-beliefs to infiltrate your body, mind, and soul.



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