Healing Connection


A Genuine Teacher Illuminating the Path


LIVE Tuesday Nights @ 9:00 PM US CENTRAL TIME 


Whether you are a healer or you need healing yourself, the Healing Connection's deep Qigong knowledge Illuminates the way!

This is an old saying that the right teacher will point out the right path for the right student.

The Healing Connection is how Master Chunyi Lin illuminates the path for you.


Join Founder of SFQ & Qigong Grand Master Chunyi Lin, as he personally imparts his invaluable wisdom, guides you in powerful meditations, and answers your deepest questions.



NEW Qigong & Healing Topics Every Month!

New topics each month, separated into weekly sub-topics.

Each specifically designed to deepen your understanding of Qigong.

Learn Qigong Principles & Wisdom

Learn and consistently practice with Master Lin for awakening, helping yourself to heal, and to help others

Cultivate your Qi Wisdom

A sustainable source of knowledge and wisdom that can be shared within your community!

  • Guided Meditation
  • LIVE Q&A 



Wow!  Almost every Tuesday for the past 10 years I have received amazing lessons of growth and healing directly from Master Lin.  It has been a great joy and honor to be part of this experience. -The power of each call individually is incredible and the cumulative strength over 10 years has been immeasurable and indescribable in the high level of their combined vibrational frequency.  The calls are truly life changing.
Nancy Havera




Upcoming Healing Connection Topics




September 2024

Working with the Seasonal Changes of Fall


This month, we enter the season of fall. Every season has its own energy – with its own qualities and its correspondences with certain activities, foods, emotions, and organs of the body. That is the view of Five Element Theory, anyway, and this view is at the heart of SFQ practice.

Since we are energy-beings, too, and we live in the world amid these seasonal changes in energy, that means that if we want to stay healthy and use these changes to benefit our health and healing, we should understand a little bit about each season from the Qi perspective. Remember that in the Qigong view, one of the main causes of Qi blockages leading to all kinds of health challenges is the weather and the shifting energy of seasons.

In this month’s Healing Connection, Master Lin will share all kinds of tips to help you thrive in the Fall Season.


September 3 - The Essence of Fall Energy

September 10 - Nourishing Foods for Fall

September 17 - Emotional Rhythms of Fall

September 24 - Qigong Practice in the Fall Season

October 2024

Cancer: The Qigong Perspective


One of the most common health challenges people come to SFQ for – whether as healing clients or as students practicing on their own – is cancer. Master Lin has helped many individuals in healing various types of cancer and continues to do so.

While many feel fear upon hearing a cancer diagnosis, Qigong views it as any other health challenge: it is simply the result of Qi being blocked and out of balance. Healing cancer, therefore, involves clearing these blockages and restoring balance, enabling the body to heal itself.

Of course, there is much more to learn and do to support ourselves, our loved ones, and our healing clients in overcoming cancer.

So, this month Master Lin will draw on his vast experience in this field and share his most valuable insights and healing tips to help you and your loved ones facing this challenge.


October 1 - What Is Cancer from the Qi Perspective?

October 8 - Qigong Methods for Healing Cancer

October 15 - Practical Advice for Qigong Healers

October 22 - Nutrition to Support Healing

October 29 - ** No Healing Connection

November 2024

Qigong for Immunity


If (like us in Minnesota) you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re well into the cold, dark part of the year. This time of year, especially, people tend to have more immune challenges and get sick more often. Now would be a good time to know a bit more about the immune system!

Of course, no matter what time of year it is, a strong immune system is so important for your health and healing. But what is immunity from the Qigong perspective, and what kinds of things can we do to support, strengthen, and develop it – for ourselves and the people we love and help with our healing?

Join us this month to find out!


November 5 - Qigong Practices for Boosting Immunity

November 12 - Common Immune Challenges: A Healer’s Guide

November 19 - Covid: Insights from the Qigong Perspective

November 26 - Immune-Boosting Recipes




About Healing Connection



Cultivate Healing Qi

Enjoy regular Qigong meditation to cultivate healing Qi, remove Qi blockages, and peel away, layer by layer, the stresses life places on you.


Need an “a-ha” moment? With live Q & A, Master Lin answers your questions, explaining the Qigong principles and practices for your specific needs

Guided Meditation with Master Lin

Want to know what deep meditation is like? Let yourself be guided into a Higher Vibration of Emptiness by a Master who has walked the path and knows exactly how to take you there.

Need Healing?

Bring some water to the live session! Master Lin will energize the water and send healing messages to support your healing.


All Sessions Archived in “My Universe”

Access your Healing Connection sessions any time. Listen again and again until the wisdom becomes your own.

Download to Your Devices

Each session is downloadable in mp3 format. No worries if you need to miss a session!

Many Ways to Connect

Join each live session conveniently by phone, webcast, or zoom!

Weekly Hour-Long Sessions

Broadcast 4 Tuesdays each month. Learn and practice with Master Lin consistently for awakening, helping yourself heal, and to help others.



The Healing Connection is an important part of my personal growth and well-being process as well as a significant source of knowledge that I share with others in my healing practice and practice group. Master Lin's lessons are powerful; the Q & A responses are enlightening, and the meditations are transformative and healing! I am so grateful for the weekly Healing Connection. It literally sustains me!
Leanora W.




But There’s More!



4 Bonus Energy Harvesting Meditations- just for you!

As a Healing Connection subscriber, you are invited to join Master Lin as he guides you in a powerful Energy Harvesting Meditations, for a smooth transition of energy- for yourself

and the energies around you. A very special earth energy can be observed and cultivated to your benefit on these special energetic days.


4 x per year, during the Spring & Autumn Equinox and Summer & Winter Solstice.



Master Lin's Healing Connection wisdom and powerful healing energy flows through us, connecting our loved ones every week..
-Catherine E.




Sign Up



Although it is priceless to learn directly from Grand Qigong Master Chunyi Lin – everything from Qigong principles and wisdom, to receiving direct answers to your questions, to tapping into a higher vibration while he guides you into deep meditation... we offer the Healing Connection at a modest price of $129 per month. In return, you receive the precious wisdom of ages and timeless healing techniques.


Join Healing Connection

Connect with Master Chunyi Lin

Includes 4 Special Cultivation Meditations ($156 value, while subscription is active.)

$129 per month

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Bundle Qi Circle with your Healing Connection to Save!


But there’s even more!

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Healing Connection + Qi Circle = $198 

Now $179 / month ($19 Savings per month)

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