Spring Forest Qigong
In Spring Forest Qigong, we talk about connecting to the Universe—but what exactly does that mean? What is this “Universe” we keep talking about? A simple explanation of the Universe is this: The Universe is everything that we can experience through our five physical senses (seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, and tasting), and everything that we cannot physically experience, the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of life. The Universe is the source from which we come, where we exist now, and to which we will eventually return.
Why is it so necessary for us to have a strong connection with the Universe? As residents of this Universe, we all live in a beautiful state of mutual inter-dependence. Just like with a mother and her child, the relationship between the Universe and its residents is one of support and love. A loving mother uses her energy to help her child be healthy and happy, and the same can be said for the Universe.
If a child is taken from its mother, it becomes withdrawn, detached, and struggles to thrive. As human beings, we are made up of the mind, the heart, and the body. So it is vitally important to have all three nourished and balanced for physical, emotional and spiritual health. If any of these three areas disconnects from the others in some way, our energetic flow is disrupted, depleted and we cannot function well. When our energy is depleted, we can become physically or emotionally sick… and that is when we need our connection to the Universe more than ever—to be given the energy to nurture ourselves back into total health.
Purposefully tapping into the Universal energy gives us access to what Master Chunyi Lin calls “the Universal library,” which is filled with the great wisdom of the Universe—wisdom that provides us with the knowledge of how to heal ourselves and others, how to live our life with real purpose, how to create and maintain meaningful relationships, and how to truly be filled with unconditional love and happiness.
Master Lin created Spring Forest Qigong with the understanding that simplicity is the key to connecting deeply with the Universe. He teaches us to begin every qigong practice by saying the password “I am in the Universe, the Universe is in my body, the Universe and I combine together”.
It is that easy.
We ALL were born with the wisdom to heal ourselves and to live happy lives, but sometimes as we mature and have life experiences, that wisdom gets buried deep underneath layers of anger, sadness, grief, worry, and fear. Often this happens gradually, and we do not even realize that we are not happy and healthy until we get sick with depression, chronic pain, or some disease that becomes our “wake-up call.” It is just at this time that we need to deepen our relationship with the Universe so that we can use the limitless energy and unconditional love that is our birthright.
One of the most effective ways to strengthen our relationship with the Universe and gain more benefit from our efforts is through meditation. By quieting the mind and going into the emptiness, we are able to slow down and clarify our inner vision.
When our body and mind are moving fast and furious, our vision becomes a blur. Think about racing your car down the freeway. Everything outside your window whizzes by and you cannot see much of what you are passing. You are getting where you are going faster, but you have lost so much of the experience.
Now imagine taking a leisurely walk on a garden path—you feel the breeze on your face, you see the bees buzzing around the flowers, you hear the chirping of the birds hidden in the leaves of the trees. As you slow down, you use more of your physical senses to experience your surroundings.
By reaching the point of stillness through meditation, we can better understand the lessons that the Universe has to offer us. By watching a river crash its waters against the rocks, a person might see what “boulders” they may be crashing up against in their life and understanding how those obstacles might be hindering their ability to flow gently onward. By listening to the beautiful mating calls of the birds in springtime, one can learn about the power of using a voice filled with love when speaking with others.
There are so many lessons to learn simply by slowing down the chatter in our minds and listening from a space of emptiness. But how do we do that? How do we empty our minds and de-clutter its space of thoughts?
Meditating takes practice! Just like with any skill we learn in life, practice makes perfect. When a young child is learning how to play a musical instrument, first they learn how to hold their fingers or hands, then how to hold their mouth and use their breath (if they are playing a wind instrument). At first, the sounds coming from the instrument are not what one would call “music”; but little by little, over time, familiar chords or notes come out, and the song starts to take shape. Meditation is the same way.
When you start out, your mind might wander constantly. But with consistent, diligent practice, the voice of your mind will start to grow still. Using guided meditations with imagery can help to train your mind, too, so that over time you can go into the quietness and the emptiness ever more easily.
At Spring Forest Qigong, we use the phrase “Good, Better, Best”. When you are first learning to meditate, you might begin by listening to a meditation for 15 minutes, and that will be enough for you. Just like training to run a 5K race when you have never run before, start out slow and for shorter periods of time. Don’t have wildly unrealistic expectations. As you get more comfortable in quieting your mind, you can make your meditations longer and longer.
Slowing down the mind and the body brings you back and immerses you in the present, which is where health and happiness resides.