Spring Forest Qigong
You are driving down the road and the car ahead of you has a bumper sticker that says, “Be in the Light”. You turn on the radio and someone is talking about “healing in the light”. It seems everyone nowadays is talking about the “Light”, but what exactly is this light and what does it look like?
In Qigong, the power of visualization is one of the first things we learn about. In our training, we are asked to imagine a light shining into our lower dantian, the most powerful vitality center that sits deep behind the navel. Why is this so important?
We focus on light because it is the original form of energy in the Universe, and light produces a high level of vibration. When you are at a high frequency of vibration, you can connect directly to the Source where you will receive the key to what Master Chunyi Lin calls your “wisdom box”. This wisdom box is filled with the secrets and magical information to heal any aspect of your life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Imagine you are a superhero, and you look up into the sky and see a gigantic meteor heading directly towards your city. You know that if the meteor comes crashing down, your city will be destroyed—so what do you do? You press the button on the wisdom box attached to your superhero belt and then you raise your hand up and point your fingers directly at that meteor, shooting out laser-like light from your fingertips.
This light is so powerful that when it hits the meteor, it explodes into a million small pieces, disappearing into thin air. What was so terrifying a few minutes ago is no longer a concern. You and your community are safe and sound.
It may sound silly, but you ARE a superhero, and one of your super powers is visualization!
This power directs the energy inside of you to go wherever it can serve you best. It allows your body to bring focused energy to those areas where you want to receive healing or want to rebuild your energy system. You can use your visualization to shoot laser-like light into a tumor or energy blockage in your body—or your friend’s body—and blast it into tiny particles that disappear to the ends of the Universe!
Visualization connects your heart, mind, spirit, and physical body together, so you can experience “Oneness,” that state where true power is unleashed, and true healing begins. But being a superhero can be a bit draining on your energy—right? How do you keep yourself in great shape so that you can continue to be of service to your family, friends, and community? This is where we can learn from Qigong Masters like Master Chunyi Lin.
If you were to see Master Lin’s schedule, you would see that he is either travelling to retreats or other events where he is teaching and healing, or he is working with clients at his healing center and on the phone. His calendar is literally filled with back-to-back healing sessions, one right after another. Day in and day out—so much energy goes out and so much energy comes in. Again and again, day after day. Like other Qigong Masters, he works hard, he helps so many, and he doesn’t sleep a lot—yet he always has a smile on his face.
What is his secret? Where does he find the power to keep his energy high?
Whenever Master Lin has a few free minutes, he meditates. He visualizes the light and focuses on his lower dantian, restoring the energy that he has given in service to others. When he does this, he can restore his energy completely.
Visualization begins with our imagination, a gift that we received when we were born. As children, we tapped into our imagination constantly as we played with imaginary friends, drew pictures with our crayons, or built castles in the sand.
Unfortunately for many of us, this gift became buried beneath a mountain of “reality,” and we stopped accessing this beautiful treasure. Now, as adults, we need to work a little more and dig a little deeper to allow our imagination to come to the surface.
So how do you begin to train yourself to use the power of your own visualization? You can begin by following this simple practice developed by Master Lin:
1. Begin by telling the Universe what you want in your Qigong practice. Be clear on what your purpose is for your practice. Is it healing a physical issue? Is it finding peace within your home or work? Whatever it is, state it clearly.
2. Call upon your Master’s higher vibrational energy. With great respect, ask your Master to support and bless you in your training by providing you with all the knowledge that you need.
3. Breathe into your lower dantian, deep behind your navel. By doing this, you are activating the most powerful vitality center in your body. You are using this vitality to heal yourself, balance your emotions, guide your life, and to find direction for your higher purpose.
4. Focus on being in serenity. Know that you were born with this gift of serenity. When you are tired at bedtime, you naturally go into the state of serenity. With your qigong, practice being able to control going into the quietness anytime you want to. Practice staying in the serenity for longer periods of time.
5. As you go deeper into serenity, you may “see” the light, or you may “feel” the light through a tingling sensation or warmth. Do not worry about whether you are seeing the light or feeling the light because both have the same vibration levels. Practice until the light becomes “real” inside of you.
6. Open your wisdom box and take what it is you need to best serve your practice and your purpose. Trust that your intuition will serve you in the best way possible. You are a superhero—put on your cape and use the power of your visualization to do more good deeds for yourself, your family, and your community!