About Us


Spring Forest Qigong is About Empowering You




Vision of Master Chunyi Lin


"A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering."




The Story of Spring Forest Qigong


Since its beginning, the practice of Qigong was a closely-guarded secret revealed only to a chosen few. Even now, traditional Qigong techniques can be very difficult to learn, requiring years of rigid discipline to master. After suffering from years of physical pain and emotional traumas, Chunyi Lin found complete healing in Qigong. After years of dedicated study with some of the finest Qigong masters in his native China, Chunyi Lin broke with ancient tradition and took the mystery, the rigid discipline, and the difficulty out of Qigong to share it to the world. It is Chunyi Lin’s strong conviction that:


“Qigong is such a powerful tool for healing, the whole world needs to know about it and benefit from it.”


Preserving the authentic practice of Qigong, Chunyi Lin created Spring Forest Qigong to help everyone live a life of optimal health, wellness, and happiness. Anyone and everyone (regardless of ability, age, or beliefs) can practice its techniques to start their healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and to become healthier and happier.


It is our strong believe that each and everyone of us was born with the natural ability to heal Activate the Qi in our body is the first step to awaken the innate gift that we are all born with; at Spring Forest Qigong, we provide you with the knowledge, techniques, support, and assistance to help you do just that.





Mission of Spring Forest Qigong


Give people the knowledge and tools to experience that every one of us is born a healer with a natural ability to help ourselves and others to heal.





We Accomplish this Through:


aempowering people to understand themselves at a deeper level, to realize they do have the power to heal themselves and to help others to heal

bteaching modern applications of ancient wisdom to enrich people’s lives and give them the knowledge, techniques, and support to put their natural healing abilities to use

chelping people to open their hearts and discover their inner creative power to transform and to heal

dpromoting a nurturing environment of continuous improvement

eencouraging everyone to fulfill their true potential

fdeveloping new approaches to improving wellness

gestablishing Spring Forest Qigong as a global community in service to each other and the world

hdemonstrating there is no wrong way to practice Spring Forest Qigong exercises and meditations; there is only “Good, Better, and Best”




The way qigong is taught and practiced by Chunyi Lin is a very powerful approach to human health.
~Neil Kay, M.D., Prof. of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN





Spring Forest Qigong Core Values


In all that it teaches and does, Spring Forest Qigong's core values are:










Benefits of Practicing SFQ


Of course, every person and situation is unique, but the benefits of practicing SFQ can include:






What Spring Forest Qigong had Helped


Spring Forest Qigong students and practitioners have shown that their SFQ practice has helped to heal many health challenges, including:


  • cancers
  • strokes
  • diabetes
  • comas
  • migraines
  • weight issues
  • spinal problems
  • glandular dysfunction
  • kidney and liver dysfunction
  • hearing and vision problems
  • reproductive organ problems
  • general and post-operative pain
  • gallbladder and kidney stones
  • heart disease and circulatory problems
  • autoimmune dysfunction (AIDS, lupus, etc.)
  • sinus problems, allergies, and lung problems
  • stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression
  • addictions, PTSD, OCD, ADD/ADHD, and dyslexia


In short, Spring Forest Qigong is an integrated approach designed to help you heal on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.





Thank you so much to the Spring Forest Qigong family. My life has changed so magnificently since I meet Master Lin and started my Inner Journey. I am forever grateful and now all I think about and do is seeking the best way to pass this feeling on to every friend and friend-to-be.
-- Jerry W.





Start Spring Forest Qigong


To support his vision, mission, and values, Master Chunyi Lin has created a support system to help you develop your natural healing ability. You can:


Learn on your own, using our Home Learning Courses, DVDs, CDs, books, manuals, and digital media

Attend a class, retreat, or conference and learn directly from Master Lin or one of his Certified Qigong Teacher and Healers





Healing Appointments


If you need personal healing assistance, you can:


visit the Spring Forest Qigong Healing Center for an in-person Qigong healing appointment.

schedule a long-distance or telephone appointment.


You can call (952)-593-5555 or email to learn more. You don't have to go through life challenges on your own, our team of highly skilled and knowledgeable Spring Forest Qigong practitioners is ready to help you.


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