Acquire the Key to Unlock your Body's Healing Wisdom







Maximized Healing


When we say “Intensive” we mean it!

During these 3 days, you will be embraced by Master Lin's unconditional love, immersed in his concentrated healing energy, and surrounded by the support of his most experienced healers.

You will receive the simple techniques to Unlock your Body’s Healing Wisdom, Restore and Balance your Energy, and quickly Raise your Vibration for faster, Deeper Healing, so that even after the retreat is over you have the tools to continue on your healing journey!






Why Did This Happen to Me?


It’s a question we all ask in the face of illness and suffering. While modern medicine may offer explanations, it rarely soothes the deeper emotional and spiritual pain that accompanies health challenges. The uncertainty, the anxiety, and the search for meaning often leave us yearning for more than just physical recovery—we long for true healing.




Master Lin's Secret to Healing


If anyone truly understands significant physical and emotional pain, it is Master Chunyi Lin. As a young man, he suffered greatly with significant physical injuries and life-threatening depression, until he found miraculous healing through Qigong. This wonderful healing opened  his heart to unconditional love, and a vision to help others heal just as he did.

Combining real-life healing experience with ancient teachings, Master Lin has devoted his life to helping thousands of people all over the world heal from serious health conditions – many who come to him as a last resort for healing, when conventional methods are not working by themselves.




Who Should Attend


Are you seeking insightful wisdom on how to heal from your health challenges?

This Intensive Healing Retreat was designed for those in need of Deep Healing.

If you are looking for a long-term, sustainable level of healing, a more meaningful understanding of yourself, and are open to the work of Personal Transformation, then this retreat is for you!








What to Expect




Receive a Personalized Healing Remedy just for You!

Before the retreat, you will receive an email with Master Lin's secret "healing code" personalized to help you heal. During this retreat, you will learn how to use this vibrational code for your healing. 

Healing from the Root Cause

Define the "root cause" of your health challenges and learn how to transform energy blockages at the deepest, cellular level, for a long-term, sustainable level of healing.

The Power of Intention

We know the intention to heal is always there, but how do we make our intention work for us energetically? 

At the end of this Retreat you will know exactly what to do, from the inside out


Immersive Healing Sessions

Over three transformative days, Master Lin will guide you through powerful Qigong practices designed to harmonize your energy, release emotional blockages, and catalyze deep healing.

Personal Connection with Master Lin

Experience direct energy healing from Master Lin in group sessions, where his loving, compassionate energy will surround and support you on your healing journey.

A Safe Space for Reflection

This retreat is designed for those who are searching for answers—those seeking more than just relief from symptoms, but clarity, peace, and a way forward.





Spend 3 Days in Master Lin's Healing Energy



February 22-24, 2025

$2000 USD $1650 USD

*Early Bird Sale | Register By February 16th

Register Now!

Included in Registration:

-Free gift of Butterfly Meditation Download (no substitutions)

-Personalized Healing Code - Only available through this retreat

-PowerPoint Slide Handouts (downloadable PDF)

-Complete video replay of Retreat, including guided meditations (available approximately 3 weeks after completion of retreat) in your My Universe account

-3 days of continuous healing by Master Chunyi Lin







 ***All time listed below are US Central Time***


February 22

Qi and the Physical Body

  • 9:00 AM Welcome, Teaching, and Healing by Master Lin
  • 12:00 PM Break
  • 1:00 PM Teaching and Healing by Master Lin
  • 3:00 PM End of the Day 1

February 23

Qi and Emotions

  • 9:00 AM Teaching and Healing by Master Lin
  • 12:00 PM Break
  • 1:00 PM Teaching and Healing by Master Lin
  • 3:00 PM End of the Day 2

February 24

Qi and Spirituality

  • 9:00 AM Teaching and Healing by Master Lin
  • 12:00 PM Break
  • 1:00 PM Teaching and Healing by Master Lin
  • 3:00 PM End of the Day 3




Live Online Retreat From Your Home




Feel the Healing Energy






Master Chunyi Lin


Chunyi Lin, Qigong Master

The Founder and Creator of Spring Forest Qigong

For more than 25 years, internationally-renowned Qigong Master and multiple-bestselling author Chunyi Lin has been healing, teaching, and speaking to individuals, businesses, and large audiences to help them unlock their healing power – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Through his profound and powerful learning and coaching programs delivered around the world, Chunyi has reached hundreds of thousands of individuals with a life-changing positive influence. His knowledge and expertise in using Qigong and other ancient wisdom to heal is both broad and deep, whether attested by his personal enlightenment and meditation retreats, his intense Qigong Healer and Instructor certification programs, or his long experience teaching Qigong, energy healing, and the principles of healthy, Qi-full living and eating.

Chunyi has dedicated his entire adult life to growth, change, and inspiration. His life mission is “A healer in every home and a world without pain and suffering.” He is deeply committed to QIGONG HEALING as an unparalleled tool for creating deep, long-lasting transformation in people. He has spoken to groups as large as 4,000 and in more than eleven countries around the world.





Expressions from Past Retreats


"I am SO grateful for the healing intensive weekend. It exceeded all my expectations. I especially thank you and the healing team for all the healing work you did to help us. It made obvious improvement in my knee (which I wasn't even looking for), so I'm hoping that it also helped heal the less obvious chronic conditions (problems with eyes, blood pressure, and emotions) that I was most concerned about. I think the distance healing also helped shore up my energy on days when I hadn't slept well the prior nights.

I always go deeper into meditation when you're guiding us. You have a wonderful voice, BTW -- calm, clear, soothing, resonant. So I got a lot of good meditation time in there.

I also appreciated the Q & A sessions w/Masters Glenn and Katrina. I only caught brief glimpses and only asked questions once, but I enjoyed listening in when I could. I'm so glad that those will be included in the video recording. Speaking of which I'm tremendously grateful that we'll get a recording of the whole event. I'm sure there's a lot that I missed the first time around, including the parts when I was present. There's just so much there to learn. Wow.

Thank you so much, Master Lin. Speaking of thanks, I also appreciated your explaining the best way to move our heads during the Gratitude portion of the Five Elements :-) I followed those directions this morning, and it really felt better. OK, I could go on, but I'll stop here.

Love and gratitude to you and all the SFQ folks who made such a wonderful weekend possible!"
"Thank you so much for your teaching and healing, Master Lin! I learned so much at the intensive and feel more empowered to work on healing myself and my family members."
"Good afternoon Master Lin,
in a way healings have gone to my body and even for conditions I was not aware of. It must have been huge my whole body energy is different like in convalescence I was not expecting that. It is way more intense than I thought. I have a lot to think about but I will continue to do the practice and meditations they make me feel better for sure. I love to be part of the big family of Spring Forest Qigong community and I thank you so much for all you are doing to make this world a better place to live with health and wellness, Thank you for this beautiful retreat and your generosity thank you again also to your team behind the scene you are all fantastic."
"I was amazed to be able to feel the Qi through zoom."
"Thank you for inspiring me to not be afraid. Your mission and vision in life has pave the way for others to believe that the impossible is indeed possible. ✨ Beyond my physical issue and conditions SFQ has brought me back to my inner child and my higher self. I still have ways to go with my healing journey and walking my life path and purpose. I’m just grateful to have the tools within SFQ to support me as I go about healing, life and beyond. Much love and blessings to you and your team. 💖"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, for your love, wisdom, compassion and kindness you share with all of us. I learned so many things over the weekend. I had a wonderful experience of my body vibrating and going deeply into my heart and the emptiness. I experienced a deep healing and continue to do so every day. I now have more tools to enhance my daily plan of qigong and continuous healing of my mind, body and spirit."





Contact Spring Forest Qigong 


+1 952-593-5555

Monday to Friday | 8AM to 5PM | US Central Time





Cancellation policy may vary by event.


Any request by a registered event or program participant (registrant) must be received in writing via email to the email address that is provided in your registration confirmation Email.


Please note that there will be no refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, flight cancellations, travel delays, or illness. If you cancel your participation in an event for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply, with no exceptions. We wish we could compensate individuals for unforeseen circumstances (injury, family emergency, etc.), but we have costs already incurred when reserving retreat centers and hotels. We have designed our cancellation policy to be as compassionate as possible in the case that your plans change. But to protect yourself further, we strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance. Spring Forest Qigong© must make commitments to suppliers at that time and making changes will result in additional costs or penalties.


Live Online Classes and Events:

4+ days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 100% refund.

0-3 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: no refunds or credits will be given.


In-Person Classes and Events:

31+ days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 100% refund.

16-30 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 50% refund.

0-15 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: no refunds or credits will be given.


In Residence Retreats:

46+ days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 100% refund.

16-45 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 50% refund.

0-15 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: no refunds or credits will be given.


In the event Spring Forest Qigong needs to cancel a class or event, Spring Forest Qigong will refund 100% of paid registration fee. Spring Forest Qigong will not be responsible for any other expenses incurred: such as travel, airfare, lodging, etc.



All approved refunds are subject to an administration fee to offset system and financial charges. This fee is based on the per person registration fee for the event or program and will be discussed at the time of the request.

100% attendance is required for all Spring Forest Qigong classes. This policy applies to both online and in-person classes, and to multi-session classes. Online classes require a working webcam turned on for the entire duration of class with the participant visible.

If you miss part of a class, the registration fee is not refundable. Depending on how much of the class content is missed, your certificate of completion may not be granted. To earn a certificate of completion, you will then have to take the entire class again. Alternatively, it may be possible to make up missed class time through a coaching session with your teacher.



You MAY NOT substitute another individual, instead of yourself, for participation in an event or class that you previously paid for and registered for with the anticipation of attending.

If you are purchasing the registration fee for a friend or family member, please contact Spring Forest Qigong in writing via email to the to facilitate this process.



You MAY NOT transfer the registration fee from a class/event to:

another individual, another date or time the class is being conducted, another Certified Professional teaching the same/higher class, another class, or a future event.

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