Qi Cultivation to awaken the healer within. A well-trained and developed Qigong Healer is able to move others’ Qi, influence their Qi Field, and inspire them to take action to achieve their optimal health.



  • Understand the Seven Dimensions of Healing from the Healer's perspective.
  • Understand the importance of cultivating your Qi and master your Yi.
  • How to use Spring Forest Qigong Healing Techniques to help others.
  • Learn Qi Blockage Detection Technique.
  • Learn how to Send Qi to help others.
  • How to apply Verbal Commands for healing.
  • Learn Qigong Movements specifically for Qi Cultivation.
  • Learn Qigong Internal Refinement Techniques for Qi Cultivation.
  • How to activate the Body's Virtual Compass.
  • Learn Taoist Healing Sounds for healing.
  • Learn to use different color lights for healing.
  • Learn to collect Zhen Qi from the universe.
  • Understand the Healer etiquette.
Spring Forest Qigong Level 2 Qigong for Healing Live Class

Qigong for Healers LIVE ONLINE

Starting Saturday, September 14th

Dr. Nisha Mittal

Certified Qigong Instructor

Session 1   Saturday, September 14th:  4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Session 2   Saturday, September 21st:  4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Session 3   Saturday, September 28th:  4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Session 4   Saturday, October 5th:  4:00 PM - 7:00 PM

US Central Time   
Professional Education Contact Hours: 11


Register Now!

Tuition $239 Early Birds | $269 after August 31st USD



Dr. Nisha Mittal, Certified Qigong Instructor


Dr. Nisha Mittal is a Certified Instructor for Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ), Reiki, ThetaHealing®, and Meditation. She has worked as Professor, Researcher, and Testing and Evaluation consultant for 25+ years. From the scientific background and the world of numbers, she got introduced to the holistic and alternative healing modalities when an obstruction in a peripheral artery could not be healed even by the most advanced allopathic medical interventions. She self-healed herself using alternative healing modalities. Now she is well versed in Spring Forest Qigong (SFQ), ThetaHealing® along with other modalities like Reiki, Vedic, Quantum Light Weaving, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). In her healing practice, she uses one or a combination of various methods to get to the core of the problem.

Along with the practice of energetic healing, she is an advanced meditation practitioner for 40+ years. She practices Transcendental Meditation and gives free guided meditation sessions and classes for Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM) taught by Amma, the Hugging Saint. She is also a regular practitioner of Yoga, Advanced Breathing techniques (Pranayam), Kriya-Yoga (a very ancient advanced practice introduced to the world by Babaji and later in USA by Paramahansa Yoganandaji), and Qigong (SFQ).

She believes that we are all born with unlimited potential and the innate ability to heal ourselves and others, we just need to awaken that gift. Practicing the simple techniques can help us unlock the potential within us in a very short time while healing physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.



Love Notes from Nisha's Students


Inspiring Teacher

Nisha could not have been a more inspiring teacher.

-Paulette R.

Outstanding and Practical

Nisha's knowledge base is outstanding. She gives very practical explanations and examples.

-Student of Nisha

Excellent in Presentation

Nisha was an awesome teacher, very knowledgeable, excellent at presenting the meditations and information.

-Student of Nisha




Teaching in Master Chunyi Lin's Tradition


Qigong Master Chunyi Lin

My life mission is to create "A Healer in Every Home and a World without Pain and Suffering." I am very grateful for Certified Qigong Instructor, Nisha Mittal for sharing Spring Forest Qigong in her community and helping achieve this vision.  
-Chunyi Lin, Qigong Master, The Founder and Creator of Spring Forest Qigong




More About This Class



Class Handouts

Comprehensive class handouts are provided before and after class for your continued study and practice.

Recommended Study Materials

1. Spring Forest Qigong Level 2 for Healing self-study course.

2. Head-to-Toe Healing: Your Body's Repair Manual

Continue Education Contact Hours

Professional Continue Education credits can be submitted to your professional organization by you. SFQ is responsible for the approval of the unit credits.

Contact Hours: 11

Certificate of Completion

Upon completion of the class, a certificate of attendance is awarded. 100% attendance is required, unless pre-approved with Teacher. Downloadable via email.



Class Location


Online Live Class

This class will be held over Zoom or similar web conferencing tool.

  • Students will need reliable internet connection.
  • Please plan for a quiet space free from interruptions.
  • Your webcam MUST be on and working throughout the entire class to ensure attendance




Sign Up



Qigong for Healers Live Training

SEPTEMBER 14, 21, 28 & OCTOBER 5 2024 | Online Class

Tuition $239 Early Birds | $269 after August 31st USD

With Certified Instructor Nisha Mittal













Contact Spring Forest Qigong 


+1 952-593-5555

Monday to Friday | 8AM to 5PM | US Central Time





Cancellation policy may vary by event.


Any request by a registered event or program participant (registrant) must be received in writing via email to the email address that is provided in your registration confirmation Email.


Please note that there will be no refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, flight cancellations, travel delays or illness. If you cancel your participation in a event for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply, with no exceptions. We wish we could compensate people for unforeseen circumstances (injury, family emergency, etc), but we have costs already incurred when reserving retreat centers and hotels. We have designed our cancellation policy to be as compassionate as possible in the case that your plans change. But to protect yourself further, we strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance. Spring Forest Qigong© must make commitments to suppliers at that time and making changes will result in additional labor costs or penalties.


16-30 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: 50% refund.

0-15 days prior to the start of the event, you receive: no refunds or credits will be given.


In the event that Spring Forest Qigong needs to cancel a class or event, Spring Forest Qigong will refund 100% of paid registration fee. Spring Forest Qigong will not be responsible for any other incurred expenses, such as travel, airfare, lodging, etc.


All approved refunds are subject to an administration fee to offset system and financial charges. This fee is based on the per person registration fee for the event or program and will be discussed at the time of the request.


100% attendance is required for all Spring Forest Qigong classes. This policy applies to both online and in-person classes, and to multi-session classes. If you miss part of a class, the registration fee is not refundable. Depending on how much of the class content is missed, your certificate of completion may not be granted. To earn a certificate of completion, you will then have to take the entire class again. Alternatively, it may be possible to make up missed class time through a coaching session with your teacher.



Any request by a registered event or program participant (registrant) must be received in writing via email to the email address that is provided in your registration confirmation Email.

You may substitute another individual instead of yourself for this class.



Any request by a registered event or program participant (registrant) must be received in writing via email to the email address that is provided in your registration confirmation Email.


Pending class availability, you may transfer to a future date for a given class. For example, you can transfer from a Level 1 Class to another Level 1 Class, but you cannot transfer from a Level 1 Class to a Level 2 Class. If transferring to a class with a higher regular registration price, the difference in registration prices must be paid by the registered event or program participant (registrant).


31 or more days prior to the start of the event, transfers will be free.

0-30 days prior to the start of the event, transfers will incur an administration fee that is 20% of the regular registration price.


All transfer requests are subject to the final approval of Spring Forest Qigong.

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