Summer Season - The Joy of Fire Energy



June is a month of transition. The life force is very strong this time of year and nature puts it to good use.

All the new life that began in spring flourishes and strengthens during summer because it is getting all the energy from the earth, the air, the sun, and the water to give full blossom for a good harvest in the fall. As this is true for nature is it also true for you. 

Summer energy is moving outward and expanding, which makes early summer a time for getting involved in the world, in nature, and is all about living your life fully.

Allow yourself to be active in so many things. Take in as much energy as you need to support all your activities.




The Heart Energy

Let your love flow and grow and shine like the sun. Be joyful and let your heart blossom and flourish.

In Chinese 5 Element philosophy, the Fire element is associated with summer and heat.

The Fire element is symbolic of maximum energy, nature at its peak of growth.

The Fire element is also associated with the Heart, the Pericardium, the Small Intestines and the Triple Heater Meridians (triple heater is the lymph system.) This makes focusing on your heart even more powerful this time of year.



Time to Nourish the Spirit and Calm Your Mind

Yang energy is here to help you nourish and bring peace to your spirit, and realize your life’s greatest potential as you find joy in even the smallest things. When you find joy in anything in your life you increase joy in your body and in your spirit.

Fire is symbolic of the maximum activity or "greatest yang."

All your mental activity, your memory, all your thought processes are a part of this summer energy of the heart. The fire element is also your emotional wellbeing, and your consciousness.

Sometimes with great passion and enthusiasm we can over do it, which makes Balance and Harmony so important. 

Don’t overdo. Don’t spend too much time in the sun. When you are out, be sure to take some breaks in the shade and let your body cool down. Drink plenty of fluids. Eat lighter and avoid heavy, greasy, or overly spicy foods that generate more heat in the body. 

Click Here for Cooling Foods for Summer







Balance Yang Energy with Earth Energy

Summer is a great time to get outdoors, be active, be involved, get your toes in the earth and get grounded.

One of the greatest things about summer is that it’s so easy to connect with Mother Earth. 

Earth in your hands, feet in the sand, time in the garden, are all very beneficial ways to take time to connect with the earth and help to balance the Yang Energy. 

Find time to Smell the dirt, the earth, the plants and flowers. The Smell that comes from the earth and growing things is also so important, so grounding and so healing. Earth Energy helps to calm down your emotions, especially when you smell the smells of the earth, of growing things. Take a Deep Breath and inhale that wonderful smell, that powerful energy.

Almost everything comes from the earth and eventually goes back to the Earth so the Earth Energy is what we need to make everything grounded.

The earth energy supports all the activities you are doing energetically so getting connected with the earth and the smells of the earth is such a great way to build your energy and ground your energy without overdoing. Please give it a try this summer as often as you can.

Click Here for Tips on Making your Earth Connection 




Did you know that you can greatly expand the essence of your Qigong practice during the special time of Solstice?


Qigong Meditation Self Concentration

Solstice Energy Harvesting Meditation Any Level

Guided Meditation with Master Chunyi Lin

Take advantage of this special time of transition on our planet, as Master Lin guides you in a Deep Energy Harvesting Meditation to Cultivate, Balance, and Strengthen your Qi, preparing you for the upcoming seasonal change on the Solstice. 

LIVE on June 20th at 7:00 PM Central Time


Learn More
Full Recording Included!



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