Spring Forest Qigong for Pain from Accident
Carol Stotts
~ Santa Barbara, CA [excerpt] "Four years ago I fell off a log and shattered my leg in lots of places and it broke in the knee joint, too. The osteo doctor I went to said, "Oh, you're going to have debilitating arthritis. You're going to need a knee replacement within five years. I kind of put out into the universe that I needed help healing my leg and Spring Forest Qigong ended up on my email. I learned about Chunyi through that. I ordered the CDs, Level One and Two and I did those and after four months I had to re-learn to walk again but the qigong helped me tremendously and it turns out that my leg healed perfectly. That joint line is flawless and there isn't anything that I can't do now that I could do before. And, in fact, I'm in better shape now that I've been in probably 25 years."