Set Your Sights on the Moon



The moon has always held a mystical quality for human beings. It has fueled our dreams and imagination for millennia.

For thousands of years we humans dreamed of going to the moon. The phrase “shoot for the moon” once meant dreaming big and setting your sights on the impossible.

Of course, that was before we actually did it.

Fifty-three years ago this month man actually walked on the moon for the very first time. Proving, yet again, that the “impossible” can happen. July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong uttered the famous phrase - “That’s one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.” – from the surface of the moon.

 I encourage you to think of that whenever you are facing a challenge, no matter how great. Remember that the “impossible” does happen and with the power of love every good thing is possible.



The moon also figures prominently in Chinese philosophy and in qigong practice. This month and in the weeks ahead the moon holds a particularly beneficial place in your qigong practice, in maintaining and enhancing your energy flow and balance.

On the Chinese Lunar calendar, July 22nd, is the day of greatest “heat,” (Da Shu) the climax of the influence of the Yang energy of summer. It is very beneficial at this time to increase your Yin energy to balance the very strong Yang energy and to prepare yourself for the growing influence of Yin that is coming.

Focusing on the moon is a wonderful way to do this.

The moon is Yin energy. Moon energy helps to soothe your energy. It also helps you develop your spiritual energy, which is so important, especially in healing.

I encourage you to spend time doing the Moon Meditation (included in Level 3 Self-Study Course) during this latter part of July and especially on the full moons. 


If you don’t have the Moon Meditation just spend time meditating on the moon. Spend time viewing the moon. Breathe slowly, gently, deeply and feel the benefits of its soothing energy flow through you. It will also help you to open your heart and your mind to limitless possibilities.

This is beneficial any time of year but especially during late July and early August.

And, I always encourage you to “Set Your Sights on the Moon” and know that with the power of unconditional love anything is possible! 





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